We got to love it when games bring new styles to the forefront.  Rollerdrome looks to be a cross between a FPS and that classic Rollerball film franchise.  Private Division and Roll7 have announced that Rollerdrome will be hitting steam at the price of £16.49 on Steam and for PlayStation Plus members (of any tier).  After the offer goes, Rollerdrome will be available at £24.99.


Try Before You Buy

On August 16th, the game will be on game trial for Playstation Plus Premium members.  You can experience the flow of the Rollerdrome for yourself and delve into this darkly dystopian shooter-skater hybrid.


Developer Video

Check out Rollerdrome Dev Video #1 “Flow & Level Design” here.

The developer video shows how the game is progressing and it looks good. It showcases how they are fusing the speed of skating whilst putting in mechanics for the FPS gameplay.  Gameplay of throwing yourselves through levels and fusing fluid movements with stylish trick mechanics.

The world design is a mixture of retro and futuristic with a “edgy” cartoon feel. The video shows a character in red and makes us think of Speed racer.

The video shows some of the team chatting about how they approached balancing the game.  Some of the level design is terrific too.



Our Thoughts

It is looking great so far. It has great potential to be a big hit and it is offering something different that we haven’t seen in a while.

For More Information

Rollerdrome will be available for digital download on August 16, 2022 on PS4, PS5 and Steam. Rollerdrome is rated PEGI 16. For more information on Rollerdrome, subscribe on YouTube, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, and visit www.RollerdromeGame.com.


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